
Himalayas , The Shiwalik range

  Outer Himalayas The Shiwalik Hills :- View of Shiwalik Hills Jammu  We have already studied about outer Himalayas . These hills are formed by the deposits by the rivers flowing from higher Ranges . Shiwalik Hills Himachal Pradesh  Those the hills of outer Himalayas are called Shiwalik Hills but as per the location their names are different as per Location . The Shiwalik range in Jammu region are called Jammu hills . u In Arunachal these hills are named as Dafla hills , Miri hills , Abor and Mishmi hills. Uttarakhand Shiwalik range  When we come to Utrakhand the Shiwalik range are called The Dhang range  and Dundwa hills. View of Nepal Churia Ghat hills  When we come come to Nepal these mountains are called Churia Ghat hills.

Trans Himalayas :-

  Trans Himalayas :- We know   the mountain range named "Gangdise-Nyenchen Tanglha range " this is Transhimslaya  . Beautiful View of Nyenchen Tanglha Mountain range  The Transhimslaya  falls in China ' India  and Nepal  ,its le ngth is about 1600 Km extending from West to East parallel to the main Himalayan range . Transhimslaya is comprising Gangdise range to the west and the Nyenchen Tanglha range to the East . Nyenchen Tanglha range in Transhimslaya  The Transhimslaya is formed about 2.6 million to 66 Million years ago . Transhimslaya is made up of volcanic and Granite rocks of Neogene and Paleogene age .


  Himalaya :- Outer Himalayas :- After going through the High lights of Greater Himalayas and Mid Himalayas we are having a sight on Shiwalik range. Beautiful View of Shiwalik Hills  Shiwalik Hills  :-  The Shiwalik range is also called Outer Himalayas. The outer Himalayas are  located between Great Plains and Mid Himalayas or Lesser Himalayas. The altitudes of this Himalayan range lies between 600 metres to 1500 metres above mean sea level . If we come to the expansion of Shiwalik range it also runs from Potwar Plateau to Brahmaputra valley about 2400 Kms . The Southern slopes of of this Himalayan range are steep while Northern slopes are gentle . Shiwalik range  View  The width of Shiwalik range varies  from 50Km in Himachal Pradesh to less than 15 kms in Arunachal Pradesh . It is almost unbroken chain of low hills  except an area occupied by the valleys of Tista river and Raidak river which is about 80 to 90 kms . The Shiwalik range from North East India up to Nepal is having thick


  Himalaya:-  Lesser Himalayas or Mid Himalayas :- Beautiful View of Lesser Himalayas Previously we have studied about the Great Himalayas or Himadri , in this post we will see  the Himachal or Lesser Himalayas . It is also called Mid Himalayas . The Mid Himalayas or the lesser Himalayas is the Himalayan mountains range which exists in between  Shiwalik range in the south and the Greater Himalayas in the North. It almost runs parallel to Greater Himalayas and Shiwalik range. Mount Makalu Nepal Himalayas  The elevations of Mid Himalayas ranges from about 3500 metres to 4500 metres above mean sea level .  The total length of Mid Himalayas is about 2400 Kms and width varies between 60 km to 80  kms. In the middle Himalayas some peaks are more than 5050 metres above mean sea level and remains under snow throughout the year . Mid Himalayas  The main ranges of Lesser Himalayas are 1. Pir Panjal Range , The Dhaoladhar  . 3. The Mussoorie and Nag Tiba range in Uttarakhand and Pir Panjal and Dh


  Himalayas   Himadri or Greater Himalayas :-   We know that Mountains cover 25% of the earth 's surface . Our Himalayan mountains are recently formed young fold mountains. These Himalayan mountains streched over the northern border of India . These mountains run from river Indus in the west  to the Brahmaputra river in the East . They form an arc shape and they cover about 2400 Kms . The width is about 400 Km in Kashmir and 150 Kms in Arunachal Pradesh . Himadri range Mt. Everest  The height of the mountains is more in the Eastern half then the western half . The Himalayan mountains are having three parallel ranges . The first one is known as the Great Himalayas or Inner  Himalayas or Himadri. The second one is known as The Himachal or Lesser Himalayas . The Third one is known as The Shiwalik range . The Himadri or Great Himalayas is the Northern most ranges of Himalayas . It is continuous range  consisting of the loftious peaks with an average height of 6000 metres above mean sea

Himalayas & Sovereignty of the Countries

  Himalayas  &  Sovereignty of the  Countries  :-   Panoramic view of Himalayas  The countries  having sovereignty over the Himalayas are :- India  Nepal Bhutan Pakistan and China Beautiful view of Himalayas  We see that India , Nepal and Bhutan have sovereignty over major portions of Himalayas  but Pakistan and China also have occupied some parts of Himalayas. Pakistan in Kashmir region  has occupied  the portion of Himalayas lying from North and west along the Line of Control established between India and Pakistan  in 1972. Panoramic view of Himalayas  Pakistan has administered control over 32400 square miles. Snow Capped view of Himalayas  China has administered control over 14000 square miles in Ladakh region and claims territory at the eastern end of Himalayas with in the Indian state of Arunachal Pradesh . China creates dispute of boundaries in this area .

Himalayas , The Physical Features l

  Himalayas , The  Physical Features :- View of Himalayas  Himalayas 's formation came into existence thousands of years ago resulting from the movement of Tectonic plates under Gondwana land and under Angara Land. (Indic Tectonic plate and Euroasiaee  Tectonic plates) When we see Himalayas from South it looks like Gigantic crescent with the main axis rising above the snow range  Beautiful View of Himalayas with glaciers  In these snow ranges there are snow fields , alpine glaciers and and avalanches , these all feed glaciers in valleys in Lower heights .This whole system forms the system of Himalyan rivers . Himalayas from the river system  We see that physical features of Himalayas are  soaring heights of mountains , peaks with steep sides  , valleys and alpine glaciers  , rivers gorges  , tipical geological structure and series of varying altitudes which form different ecological  combination of flora , fauna and climate .