Himalayas Origin

 Formation of 

Himalayas :- 

 In this blog let us understand about the formation of Himalayas . 

There are two theories which explain formation of Himalayas  :-

One is "The Geosyncline Theory "

and the second one is " The Plate Tectonic Theory "

Let us understand the first one which is explained by a German Scientist Kober, according to this theory 

About 541 millions to 252 million years ago from the end of Plaeozoic Era there was Tethys ocean containing salt water.

View of Tethys ocean 

 On either side of this Tethys ocean  there was Gondwana Land (Indic Plate ) and India was also the part of Gondwana land and on the other side there was Laurasia ( Urasiayee Plate )or Eurasia means Europe and Asia was connected together which was called Angara Land. At that time the rivers flowing from both sides deposited huge muck , sand , boulders and silt in the Tethys ocean 

The pressure on  Angara Land and Gondwana Land caused movement on both in opposite  directions and the Tethys ocean going squeezed and the material in the  Tethys ocean transformed into high mountains called Himalayas . 

According to The Plate Tectonic Theory  given  by Herryhes the Urasiayee Tectonic plate and Indic Tectonic plate slowly slipped in opposite directions and raised the deposits of Tethys ocean in the form of mountains called Himalayas which formed from East to West .

So this is way Himalayas came into existence .


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